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Man rescued by the eagles

Ehâni héäheç oyáte igláka áyì na waná éthipi yûköà wiäháça töawíäu heäíya: "Winúöäa, itöó wayé mní kte ló," eyá. Long ago, the tribe was moving camp and were not erecting their tipis at the new place when a man said to his wife: "Wife, I think I must go out and hunt."
"Eäháç tohâ waglí çni héhà éna thí po," eyá. So don't move on with the tribe if they should go on, but stay camped here until I return."
Ho, héäheç waná kákhena manílkiya wâëu kiäØî na yá-hì na waná töáöäa ó na eäé yúzì na hehâl wazí ähûçoke mahél wákhil ináëì ománi-hà. He placed his quiver over his shoulder and walked away into the wilderness; and in time he shot a deer and took only its skin; and then he walked about in the thick wood among the pines.
Yûköà wàkál tuwá ähéya sØeléäheäa äha atûwà-hà yûköà maöpíya ektá töàØî çni kìyâ û. And over head he thought he heard someone crying, so he stood looking for it, and whatever it was circling about high in the clouds,
"Yûköà: "Lé táku hùwó?" eähî náëì-hì na so he thought, "What can it be?"
waná mayá tâwàkatúya éna khútakiya kaØóöya And now he came to a very high cliff which stood sloping slightly downward.
äha él khútkiya étùwà náëì-hà. So he stood looking down into it,
Yûköà táku hotöû-he äØù waná khútkiya okáwìöya kasØá ú. and behold, that thing which had been crying out overhead was now sweeping downward, sailing with steady wings, coming down in a spiral.
Yûköà wàblí äha ú kéyapi. And it was an eagle.
Yûköà wiäháça heähî: "EhâkeäØù mayá lél hoöpí wàëí séäe ló," eähî. The man concluded that the eagle must have a nest somewhere on the side of the cliff,
na atûwà-hà yûköà hukhútkiya mayátöahepiya wahóöpi töâka and so he watched and saw that a nest there was, a great nest
ähàkhé "Itöó ektá mní na wàblí ähìäá hená iwíähawaäu na iyóhila çûkawaköâ wàëí eäé íwakiähì kte, eähî so he thought, "I shall go there and take the young eagles, and demand a horse for each of them"
na waná él iwâkam ináëì na: "Tókheçkhe waöØâ kta hùwó?" eähî So now he stood directly above the nest thinking how to go about it.
na waná héähetu kakhéç leähî: "Itöó, töáöäa wíköà hàké wakáïì na wazí él iyáwakaçkì na khútakiya blá yàké," eähî At last he thought, "I will cut this deerskin into strips and make a rope, one end of which I will make fast to a pine tree, and will let myself down by it."
na waná héähel eähû na mázawaköâ éna ékignakì na töáöäa hàké wasó na wazí húte él iyákaçkì na él oyúspì na khútakiya oslóheØiäØiya iwáçtela ú yûköà waná ikhíyela hihûni lehâl iköâ óhi çni iyéhàyà okápsakì na wahóöpi él ohîöpaya He did just that, but left his gun behind, and slid down the new-made rope, but when he was almost to the nest, the rope proved to be too short, and then it broke, and dropped him into the nest.
ähàkhé tóköani öØâ çni éna wàblí ähìäá ób yàkî na ähéya-hì na There was then nothing to do but sit with the young eagles and cry.
wàblí ähìäá waná töàkîkìyàpi ähàkhé ób yàká-hì na In time the young eagles were large; and he sat with them,
akhé tohâl hûku töáöäa wàëí átaya aglí ähà wàblí ähìäá ópöeya yàkî na çna wóta-hàpi and when their mother brought an entire deer then he regularly ate with the birds.
Yûköà waná àpétu óta hél yàkî na waná wàblí ähìäá kìyâ okíhipi yûköà hewíähakiya: Many days he sat there, and when the birds were big enough to fly he said to them,
"Ûçimalapi yé, eähî wasé yéäØùpi kte," eyá "Take pity on me. And in due time you shall be decked with red paint,"
Yûköà wàblí ähìäá nûpapi ähàkhé nuphî kìyâ iglútöapi na heyápi and the eagles, there were two young ones, tested out their flying ability, and then they spoke to the man:
"Hé, itöó ùkóniyuspapi kta ähe níç eyá öupáhu él tuktél sutáya ùkóyuspa po kìhâ yuhá khútakiya kìyâ ùníyàpi kte," eyé. "Very well, now, we shall take hold of you, so you hold us, somewhere about the wing, too, and we will fly down with you,"
Yûköà waná eähél eähû. So he did so.
Ho hehâl îç eyá oyúspapi na yuhá khútakiya kasØá ûpi na obláya ektá iwáçtela khúl ahígnakapi. He held them, and they in turn held him, and with him hanging on, they sailed down to the lower country below the cliff and gently they set him down on the level land.
Ähàkhé héäheç wasé átaya iwíähayù na wanápØì wiähákiäatöù na awíähayuçtà ähàkhé kìyâ iyáyapi So he stopped to decorate them ceremonially with red clay paint, and put necklaces about their necks, and let them go, so they flew away.
äha îç thiyáta khí yûköà thiwáhe töáwa éna thípi na awákiksapi na ähéya-hàpi öäehâl glí. Then he went to his home, and found that his thípi was standing there, and all in his household had cut off their hair in mourning for him, and they were weeping incessantly for him.
Ähàkhé akhé oyásì çaØíäØiyapi na hehâl tókheçkhe öØâ oyásØì tàyâ ogláka ähàkhé heØû nakéç wíyuçkìpi. So now they once again painted their faces with the red, and clothed themselves in good things, and then he related just what fate had befallen him, and then at last they were glad again.